Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gear Up for Summertime with Puppet Kit Activities!

We are about to hit those summer months and I don't know about you, but I have been looking for a way to keep my nieces and nephew entertained on our outings.

On a whim, I took some of CPE's felt puppet kits to the park in an effort to keep them entertained after their several trips down the slide and it worked! This got my mind working overtime and I couldn't wait to share some other ideas with you.

Here are some great ideas to use Puppet Kits at the park, zoo, beach, and car rides below:

At the Park: I brought the fairy tales puppet kit with me and transformed the playground area into a magical castle where we needed to save the princess from a witch's curse. It was a great way to get my niece and nephew involved- even playing characters of their own.

At the Zoo:Create a puppet led scavenger hunt trying to find out where each animal lives at the zoo. Use whatever animal you are searching for to help guide you on your journey and tell interesting facts about it at the same time. It also never hurts to create a fun voice for each animal!

Relaxing on the Beach: Using the supplies around you at the beach, create a jungle safari where your cast of critters is looking to find the oasis!

Car Rides: If you have younger children traveling with you and a passenger ready to be puppet master, alternate animals through games of peek-a-boo. When they spot each critter, add the sound it makes to help familiarize them with the noise.


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